Damijan Podversic
«Today I feel a lucky person, because I realized my childhood dreams.» Damijan Podversic
Stefano Tortini
Owner, design studio ARTHA www.arthastudio.it
«Creative by vocation, drinker by passion.
I see both in the grafic and wine world the same qualities: beauty, emotion, character.
I have met Damijan between a vertical and some jokes, so he enter in the agency and me in the vineyards.
From then was born a strong collaboration but especially a sincere friendship.»

Ignazio Vok
Architect by profession and passion, always searching for the beauty, even in the smallest details. Author and visionar of the cellar and the glass.
Natale Favretto
Degustative consultant
Enolog by vocation with an important role of confrontation. Partner of the walks and decisions among vines and barrels.

Giampaolo Penco
Owner and Filmmaker, film studio VIDEOEST
«A great work of art is not always made by a great artist. In case of Damijan, a great wine is the work of a great person and of his family. How can’t you feel connected.» Giampaolo Penco, filmmaker VIDEOEST
Alessandro Zanutta
Agronomy consultant
Highly experienced technician who is driven to enhance the interaction between the vine, the environment and man. His advices are the results of careful observations in the field, with the aim to maintain the balance of the vineyards in harmony with the surrounding nature.